St. James Day

So, as you’ve maybe noticed, most international holidays are just that, holy-days. Today in Spain, and many other countries, is the day to celebrate St. James. Again, I did some quick research and found some fascinating things. St. James was, among other things, a pilgrim. The symbol for pilgrims and people with no permanent home […]

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Bon Festival

Obon (お盆?) or just Bon (盆?) is a Japanese Buddhist custom to honor the departed (deceased) spirits of one’s ancestors. -Wikipedia The custom usually lasts for three days during the middle of July. Like the Mexicans and their Day of the Dead, the Japanese mark these days with dancing, singing and feasts. At the end, […]

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Looking through some drawings I came across this one from Main Street USA (at the Magic Kingdom). I’ve spent many summers drawing down in Walt Disney World. And as soon as the weather turns warm, my thoughts always seem to go there. For many reasons, it is the most wonderful place I’ve ever been, and […]

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Illustration of Deception

“All deception in the course of life is indeed nothing else but a lie reduced to practice, and falsehood passing from words into things.” -Robert Southey 1774-1843 Iago is a fictional character in Shakespeare’s Othello who entangles everyone around him in a web of lies to serve his own purpose. I find that if you […]

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Lotus Temple

Back to my Earth Calendar. Today is a special day for the people of the Baha’i faith. The mission of the Baha’i is is to spiritually unify all the people and all religions of the world. Although painfully idealistic,that’s something I truly believe in myself! The temples of the Baha’i are really something. The most […]

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Laas Geel

So, again, I look to my earth calendar and see that today, amongst many holidays observed around the globe by various countries, Somalia celebrates its indepedence. Somalia is in great contrast with the country I mentioned in my last post -Denmark. We don’t ever really get good news coming out of this country on the […]

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Traffic-Free Times Square

Despite weather calling for severe thunderstorms, my family and I ‘braved’ the conditions and set out for traffic-free Times Square. Saturday was an incredibly beautiful day, and the free tables and chairs were an added luxury. I’ve always loved drawing Times Sq. It’s a bit crazy, but there are so many points of interest that […]

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Hot Dog Vendor

A hot dog (frankfurter, frank, wiener, weenie) is a moist sausage of soft, even texture and flavor, often made from mechanically recovered meat or meat slurry. I live here in New York City and WISDOM tells me don’t touch those hot dogs but sometimes HUNGER gets the better of me. You would think the term […]

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the happiest place on earth

According to my “earth” calendar, today is Midsummer Party day in Denmark. Many northern European countries celebrate Midsummer by building bonfires and having lots of fun. It’s origins go waaay back. Recently, I read how Denmark has been deemed the happiest country in the world. I remember being very intrigued by this and wondered how […]

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A Drawing of My Abuelo

One Drawing a Day, that’s 365 drawings in a year.  Not bad, it’s fortunate for my colleagues and I that we love to draw.  As reportage artists, Illustrators, designers, photographers, film makers and painters we love to think with our hands. The drawing for today speaks for itself. That’s my Grandpa, he has the thousand […]

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