She smiled at him.

She smiled at him.


As I realized I only had a brand new sketchbook (read blank) with me, and heading to a client on the 6 train, I reached a little deeper and found my Books of Heads. Pulling it from my bag I found my subject. Just as I lifted my pen a man stopped a foot in front of me (this wasn’t a crowded car, so he was in my space and blocking my next drawing), peddling two books he had written. He made some witty jokes and told everyone the clever titles, one of which stuck in my head. He walked towards my next drawing and as she reappeared from behind him she turned to smile at him as he started the pitch one more time for the other end of the train. “Corner Store in the Middle of the Block,” was the title I took to heart. I wrote it down to check out later.—Dominick

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