Tata Madiba’s Birthday wish

Tata Madiba’s Birthday wish

In 2009 when the United Nations declared today, July 18th 2010 as the first recognized Nelson Mandela Day, it called for a day when people around the world would celebrate a legacy of peace, forgiveness and reconciliation, all in honor of Tata Madiba’s 92nd Birthday. So who is Tata Madiba? Tata Madiba is Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first democratically elected president, a treasured hero to so many.

The Mandela Day campaign message is simple and one I hope we might all consider participating in today in some shape or form. And it shares.. Nelson Mandela has given 67 years of his life fighting for the rights of humanity. All it is asking is that everyone gives 67 minutes of their time, whether it’s supporting their chosen charity or serving their local community. It’s not a holiday, but a day for all people to recalibrate their value systems; to take a look around them and to do good.

Sounds simple enough, 67 minutes = making a difference.

Drawing by Michele Bedigian© 2010

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