NYBG Plein-Air Invitational

NYBG Plein-Air Invitational

Nothing says Spring in the Northeast of the US like the scent of lilacs, and so I was super happy to spend this past Saturday at the New York Botanical Garden, sitting in the lilac plants doing pastel drawings. I was an invited artist to the NYBG’s 4th Annual Plain-Air Invitational, hosted by artist James Gurney. The day was overcast when we arrived at the gardens, but by the time things kicked off at 11 am, the clouds were beginning to part, and we ended the day in sunshine.

It was such a pleasure to meet James and his wife Jeanette, as well as all of the other talented artists who were invited for the day. You can see the list HERE.

Also invited were the members of the NYC chapter of Urban Sketchers, and I had a chance to meet many of them as we all spent the day doing what we love – making art among nature’s beauty. Quite magical.

I was honored to be painted by Mr. Gurney, as I sat with my (brand new!) easel and got lost in the lilacs. You can see the painting he did of me on my Instagram, @verolawlor, and check out the video he posted of the day, HERE, with a time-lapse of his painting of me at the end…

Sigh – what a day! Thank you New York Botanical Garden!

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