Happy President’s Day

Happy President’s Day


Another drawing from the trip down to D.C. last month. I found out that our capital was built on a swamp, something I hadn’t known. I also learned first hand the effects of the swamp as we walked to the Lincoln Memorial one Saturday night in thick fog. It is hard to explain, but having seen the memorial in various forms in print and on tv for my entire life, I wasn’t sure what to expect or if it would be as grand as one would hope. I am sure the fog helped, obscuring all but a few trees on either side, but as the memorial appeared from behind the trees on the path along the reflecting pool,  time changed and this temple stood before us. D.C. is a very serious city. Hidden in between all of the politics and drama that keep us moving forward on any given day I found one of the most concentrated centers of history I could ever imagine. New York will always have first place in my heart, but Washington, D.C. took a new place I had not expected.—Dominick

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