La Madonna

This is one of over a hundred drawings I made in Paris.  I fell in love with Paris.  This drawing in particular was produced inside the Chartres Cathedral.  It caught my absolute attention.  The sculpture  just captures the  perfect picture of what life in the spirit could be.  The Cathedral itself was enormous, I think […]

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La plus belle avenue du monde

a.k.a. the Avenue des Champs-Élysées This weeks drawing was done on a warm, (really warm) July afternoon while standing on the most expensive strip of real estate in Europe. It’s known in France as La plus belle avenue du monde (“The most beautiful avenue in the world”), a fitting call since it’s just down the street from the stunning […]

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Picasso Museum

A trip to Paris is never short of wonder. There’s no other place like it, the shops, the history, the food, THE ART! Here’s a drawing I made in the Musee National Picasso during a trip abroad traveling with my associates at 1482. Spending the day with Picasso’s lifework (in awe, I might add) was truly divine. What an […]

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