Five years….

Has it really been that long? It seems several lifetimes ago that we had our first “official” Studio 1482 meeting at the old studio, at #1482. In honor of our anniversary each studio member was asked to create a commemorative piece around the theme of “five”, and as you can see, I had American culture […]

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Remember when they gave you a wing pin of the airline when you flew? Flight attendants were “stewardesses” and “stewards”, and of course you had to make sure to book your seat as far away from the smoking section as you could, as nothing smells quite as bitter and disgusting as recycled air tinged with […]

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A rose for Haiti

As beautiful and fragile as life itself. Our prayers are with everyone who is going to bed tonight with no food, no water, no shelter, no protection. We are all connected. Thank you for your continued support of our fundraiser on behalf of CARE’s efforts in Haiti. To see more of Kati’s project on slavery in […]

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Another drawing from the NYRO rehearsals. The woodwind players do not like to be drawn (as opposed to the violins and celli, who practically do backflips when they feel the artist’s attention). I caught this guy hiding behind a column, which is funny, because he kind of looks like a column. I got him to […]

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This drawing was done at a German restaurant in New York City, and is a tongue-in-cheek interpretation of German “Heimat” (roughly, “home”) kitsch. The stuffed deer stands for the belling stag (“Roehrender Hirsch”), which is the subject of pretty much every painting in old Germans’ homes, and is an allusion to the German spirit, an ennobled […]

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