Bon Festival

Bon Festival

Obon (お盆?) or just Bon (盆?) is a Japanese Buddhist custom to honor the departed (deceased) spirits of one’s ancestors. -Wikipedia

The custom usually lasts for three days during the middle of July. Like the Mexicans and their Day of the Dead, the Japanese mark these days with dancing, singing and feasts. At the end, there are fireworks and people light floating lanterns on rivers to symbolize the spirits on their way to the world of the dead.

As I read about all this, I was reminded of a drawing I had made:


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I think I just may light a candle today.


Comments (4)

  1. Michele

    How wonderfully inviting – I’ll be lighting a candle today too, for sure.

  2. Veronica Lawlor

    Despina, this is so nice. Always loved this drawing from you. I think I’ll light a candle today as well. – Ron

  3. margaret

    Feels like you’re floating – great drawing Despina.

  4. despina

    thanks again ladies.
    Yes, this one brings me very fond memories.

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