Modesto Peña, by Eddie Peña
One Drawing a Day, that’s 365 drawings in a year. Not bad, it’s fortunate for my colleagues and I that we love to draw. As reportage artists, Illustrators, designers, photographers, film makers and painters we love to think with our hands.
The drawing for today speaks for itself. That’s my Grandpa, he has the thousand yard stare. I wouldn’t be the man I am today without him. He is as close to my beginning as I will ever know. We don’t have the long lineage story of how we came to be where we are.
He grew up in Dominican Republic, met my Grandma, had 11 kids and came to America. The past is not something he has ever been interested in talking about but who he is and what he has done is sufficient. Happy Father’s Day abuelo.
Happy Father’s Day, Eddie!
Nice drawing of abuelo.
Eddie, Happy Father’s Day! I love this drawing.
Happy Father’s Day, Eddie. Great drawing of your abuelo.
Do you use charcoal or conte or Nero to get those dynamic
lines and shadows?